Sat., February 1, 2025, 10:30 am Regular meetings are held at the Fiddlers Green Irish Pub, 544 W Fairbanks Ave, Winter Park 32789 Click here for a map to the Fiddlers' Green Irish Pub. |
JOIN or RENEW Your Chapter Membership for 2025 !
Unless you have joined as a LIFE MEMBER of the Central Florida Chapter, your membership expires at the end of each year and will need to be renewed for the following year. Our Chapter by-laws allow 60 days of "grace period" after the beginning of the new year, but we would like to receive your membership renewal before having to send you a written reminder. Once the 60-day grace period is up, non-renewals will be dropped from our membership roster.
Simply choose your membership option, below, and click the "buy now" button to quickly and securely renew online.
(Credit Card, Debit Card or PayPal payments are accepted) |
REMINDER: If you are not ALSO a member in good standing of the 1st Marine Division Association, you cannot be eligible to be a Regular Member of the Central Florida Chapter! National Association membership fees are $35 per year. You may renew your National Association membership by completing the National Association membership form, or by calling June at the National Association office in Oceanside, CA at 760.967.8561.
Help support the Chapter's charitable work on behalf
of Central Florida Marines, past and present! |
The Central Florida Chapter meets semi-monthly at 10:30 am, First Saturday, each even numbered month: February, April, June, (skip August), October, December.
Regular meetings are held at the Fiddlers Green Irish Pub, 544 W Fairbanks Ave, Winter Park 32789 Click here for a map to the Fiddlers' Green Irish Pub. Our meetings feature programs and speakers of interest to Marines and other military veterans, followed by an optional lunch and good old-fashioned Marine fellowship and esprit de Corps. Please join your fellow Central Florida Marines in supporting YOUR chapter! |